BBBM Storytellers Open Mic

In conjunction with Pints and Pistons this August, BBBM Storytellers held the first Open Mic story night. Nine incredible folks got up on stage to tell a long or short tale about a “Wreck-less” motorcycle moment. These close calls brought reflection and a bit of caution to future riding.

0:50 Adam: first bike, March 2020, 12 year old tires, what could go wrong?
05:09 Eric: a ’75 Kawa Z900 and a Nissan 240SX, and a Robert DeNiro style stare. He literally dumped her.
12:48 Crash: A Ducati 900 Super Sport, a pillion rider, and 3 sets of railroad tracks; and a new driver
17:05 Megan: an ’81 KZ440 in NYC, a near miss of an old man, and a not quite near miss of a bus with Megan’s head. Never stop for old people.
20:40 Mad Maxx: an engineer boot and a truck window. Some people are really stupid.
29:00 Tim: 17 years old, a $200 bike, power lines, and a planned band tour. I woke up in the grapes.
34:30 Eric: 70k in free money, Hells Angels, stolen goods. This is gonna go well.
46:36 Jason: a non-motorized motorcycle, after shift trip to downtown Chicago, and a movie style stunt. Shit!
53:14 Akele: San Jose, a routine bike route, and an unexpected result. Just ask folks if they’re ok.
58:35 Bryan: Driftless area riding, a gifted Harley, chunked road, and a garage full of wrecked bikes. Here is the proof!
1:04:00 Adam: Bringing bikes home, left turns, a cup of coffee.